Deutsche Telekom at MWC 2016
For the third time Mutabor realized a fair stand for Deutsche Telekom at the Mobile World Congress.
In a period of 8 months a interdisciplinary team of communication designers , concept developer, digital designers and architects designed and created a integrated concept which should convey to the visitor how convincing and "easy to use" business solutions from Deutsche Telekom are.
Join the leading network in Europe - Welcome to the beach of Deutsche Telekom.
Size of fair: Two floors 1.281 sqm
Presentations of 17 different topics
LED Sceen with live picture and 14,5 sqm
approx. 12.850 kg Steel structure
approx. 660 KW electricity demand
2,5 km of cables
4 km of CAD cables
Concept, Architecure, Design, Communication: Mutabor Design, Hamburg
Team: Axel Domke, Birte Ludwig, Hojin Kang, Johanna Bähner, Maxi Pantel, Florian Müller, Hagen Reiling, Volker Zinsmeister, Lina Escherhaus, André Nakonz, Emanuel Haas
Fair Construction: Winkels Messebau
Neumann & Müller Medientechnik
Moritz Waldemayr
Sgt. Pepper